
  • Smartphones and social media are a major problem for schools, especially with our teenagers. They distract students, make teachers waste classroom time disciplining students who are using their phones, and contribute to bullying. The solution is simple: a district-wide ban on smartphones during school hours.

    Students could still bring their phones to school so they can contact parents before or after the day starts. However, their phones would need to stay in lockers. This will ensure that teachers and students alike are focused on learning.

  • Early reading proficiency needs to be the highest priority for Seminole County elementary schools. It is one of the best predictors of a child’s academic success. If a student can’t read at grade level, every other class becomes harder and more frustrating.

    We know what works — phonics based reading instruction that teaches children how to sound out unknown words. This is backed up by academic studies and it’s just common sense. This practice should be standardized across our schools and specialized instruction should be available for students who fall behind. That early investment will prepare our children for academic success.

  • Every graduate of Seminole County Public Schools should be able to balance a checkbook, understand their credit score, and make a budget. Most adults encounter interest rates a lot more frequently than long division!

    Basic financial literacy instruction does not take long but it will make a huge impact in our childrens’ futures. It should be incorporated into the curriculum of other subjects like math and also be a standalone lesson for middle school and high school students.

  • Students today don’t know basic facts about United States history, our government, and the process of our democracy. In 2022, only 13% of students were proficient in U.S. history on standardized tests. Barely half of students could name the three branches of government.

    When our students graduate, they will vote for President, Governor, and many other political offices. That’s why education should be mandatory in every grade, offered as part of a Social Studies course or incorporated into reading assignments for English courses. It is vital for a country based on self-government to have informed citizens.

    Americans fought and died for our country at Yorktown, Normandy, and so many other places. We need to honor their memory by preparing our children to participate fully in our democracy.